Exciting Young People of Türkiye

The median age dividing the population in the European Union is 44 years. In Türkiye, it is 31 years. The difference will remain the same until after 10 years. The median age in Türkiye will approach the current level of European countries only in 2050.

Although the median age, which was 25 years in 2000, will be over 42 years in 2050, Türkiye's advantage of young population will continue for the next 10 years. The young population will stimulate the consumption and continue to accelerate the economy. The fact that the consumption tendency in the young population is higher than in the middle age will also keep the economy alive.

The abundance of young population will allow a quicker adaptation to technological developments. The young population will also continue to create a basis for the strengthening of entrepreneurship in Türkiye.

The young structure of the population, 55% of which is under 35 years old, will also keep the potential of goods and services production strong. In an increasingly aging world, Türkiye, with its still young and growing population and consumption capacity, offers considerable advantages in terms of creating market dynamism for domestic and international companies and strengthening the productive capacity.